AxynTeC Dünnschichttechnik GmbH company portrait
AxynTeC Dünnschichttechnik GmbH is an expert for DLC coatings (diamond like carbon). With its own, patented process technology plasmaIMPAX and more than 20 years of experience, it offers a broad DLC coating portfolio for use in a wide variety of industries such as mechanical engineering, racing, medical technology and design. Due to the outstanding properties of DLC such as low coefficient of friction, high hardness, chemical resistance and compactness, the axyprotect layers from AxynTeC deliver the best performance in terms of wear protection and corrosion resistance. In addition, the elegant look of the coatings in graduated black creates a high-quality finish for surfaces of, for example, luxurious design objects. For medical technology, other properties of the axyprotect layers such as sterilizability and glare-free surface play a decisive role.
In addition to the service in contract coating, AxynTeC is also a strong partner for tailor-made plant construction in the PVD and CVD coating sector. A wide variety of source technologies from e-beam to sputtering to PLD laser ablation modules can be used here, depending on the customer's requirements. Small axplorer systems in the R&D area can be configured for rapid protocoating up to large coating systems for series production.