Most innovative medium-sized company in Germany

The Dr. Fritz Faulhaber GmbH & Co. KG took first place in the WirtschaftsWoche innovation ranking and was one of the TOP 100 most innovative medium-sized companies in 2019.

For the ranking, the Munich consulting firm Munich Strategy examined 3,500 companies with an annual turnover between 10 million and 1 billion euros. The basis for the final selection of the 100 innovation champions is the 'innovation score', two thirds of which is calculated from the innovative strength and one third from the performance of the company. "Faulhaber not only manages to manage an unbelievable complexity in the product portfolio in order to be able to produce according to customer requirements, but also sets new standards in the innovation culture: The company involves its employees in the innovation processes and implements more than 2000 suggestions for improvement from the workforce every year ", So the reasoning by Dr. Sebastian Theopold, founder and partner of Munich Strategy.

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