The necessary : The main requirements of ISO 13485 (and ISO 9001) include internal audits. The standards also require that the internal auditors have the necessary skills.

The sensible thing is to use internal audits to track down inefficient processes, initiate changes and design processes efficiently and effectively, ensure compliance with standards - find and fix problems before they become deviations in the certification audit.

Goals challenges

Internal audits are often viewed as a necessary evil and neglected. Why?

Auditing means questioning something, evaluating it, initiating changes. The resistance to this is naturally great. Nobody likes to be evaluated, and well-established processes are often firmly anchored, no matter how dysfunctional they are. If you are not prepared for this, you will not be able to change anything for the better.

learning goals

This seminar gives you exactly the knowledge and skills you need as an internal auditor to carry out an effective internal audit that improves your processes and in which you initiate changes. You learn:

  • Create an audit program (annual audit plan) with which you can effectively check your QM system
  • Prepare the individual audits sensibly, set priorities and ask the right, important questions
  • Carry out audits confidently and react appropriately even in difficult situations. You manage to get your colleagues on board and win them over to changes
  • Document the results of the internal audits in accordance with the standards in such a way that this is useful for your colleagues and meets the requirements of your certifier,
  • to evaluate these results (deviation - potential for improvement - conform)
  • Initiate improvements in the form of corrections and corrective actions and track their implementation
  • to review the changed contents of ISO 19011: 2018 (guidelines for auditing management systems) and to align your audit process accordingly.
Use internal audits, learn to audit

Use the potential of internal audits to identify and correct weak points in your company. Find the problems before the certification auditor finds them. Improve your processes so that they become effective and efficient. Learn to audit!

Online Seminar


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