Tested vegetable porridge for babies

Babies are fed the first complementary food after about four to seven months, because from this point on, milk is no longer sufficient for an optimal supply. With vegetable porridge, babies get essential fiber, vitamins, and minerals so that they can grow tall and strong.

Furan is a volatile compound that can be formed when food is heated in closed containers. In a recent test of ready-made vegetable mashes, furan was found in small amounts. These did not exceed any limit values, but with baby food these should be kept as low as possible.

In addition, small amounts of nitrate were found. Nitrate occurs primarily in leafy and root vegetables and can restrict the oxygen supply to the blood in babies. According to Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006, the maximum value of 200 mg / kg nitrate may not be exceeded in complementary foods for small children and infants.

The test also found cadmium in a pulp. Cadmium is a heavy metal that puts a strain on the kidneys when consumed regularly. According to Regulation (EU) No. 488/2014 , complementary foods must not exceed a maximum value for cadmium of 0.040 mg / kg.

To ensure that your products do not exceed maximum values and that any risk can be excluded, the bilacon checks vegetable porridges that are specially produced for baby food. In addition to the analysis for furans, nitrate and cadmium, we also support you in testing for other heavy metals, pesticides and germs.

Nicole Schröer
+49 30 206 038 133

Source: Ökotest

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