Medical technology symposium in Stuttgart on April 27, 2023

Digitization and regulations remain the drivers

Digitization and regulations remain the drivers of the medical technology industry. ERP expert oxaion invites you to two medical technology days, namely on April 20th in Jena and on April 27th in Stuttgart in the Mercedes-Benz Arena.

According to the ERP expert, the specialist days offer an excellent opportunity to find out about the latest trends and developments in digitization in connection with the regulations in medical technology.

Details on the event and free registration at:

Cloud for medical technology

The symposium in Stuttgart on April 27th in the Mercedes-Benz Arena deals with the topics of cloud in medical technology and the possibilities of mapping the development documentation. In addition, an SME from medical technology will talk about its practical experience with oxaion easy medical technology, the small business solution for medical technology manufacturers. A tour of the stadium is planned at the end of the program.

“Our specialist days offer an excellent opportunity to obtain information and to network with one another. The event with the local medical technology networks is particularly important to us, because here there is direct contact with companies in the region," says Jens Fröhlich.

More about oxaion's solutions for everything to do with medical technology can be found at:

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