The Transformers of Customer Centricity

While customers are a valuable asset, satisfied customers are a prerequisite for long-term success. That is why this has always been a central theme at atrify. In recent years, however surveys and Net Promoter Score (NPS) results have clearly shown that there was more to be done. Therefore, our team rolled up their sleeves and over the past three years, turned their entire customer strategy upside down. They were so successful that today there is only one focus: a satisfied customer.

While customers are a valuable asset, satisfied customers are a prerequisite for long-term success. That is why this has always been a central theme at atrify. In recent years, however surveys and Net Promoter Score (NPS) results have clearly shown that there was more to be done. Therefore, our team rolled up their sleeves and over the past three years, turned their entire customer strategy upside down. They were so successful that today there is only one focus: a satisfied customer.

Looking to the Future with a Focus on Customer Orientation

It quickly became clear to atrify that customer orientation was the central element on which everything had to be based. In order to learn how to make life as easy as possible for customers regarding product content, GDSN & Co, the Cologne team got in touch with customers at all touchpoints. Every marketing email, for example, received an additional link to a customer satisfaction survey. Support chats and dialogues or even personal conversations were always followed up with a feedback tool. In this way, atrify made every touchpoint measurable, and the collection of qualitative feedback became enormous. Individual touchpoints along a customer journey were then visualized in a dashboard and made accessible to every employee in the company.

Next Step: Create Customer-focused Solutions

atrify created fictitious customer personas, identified target groups and their personal needs, and analyzed customer journeys. This gave the Cologne-based company a clear picture of the various client groups with all their individual product and service requirements. Based on the data gathered, specialist departments developed new, multi-faceted solutions, offering tools and apps that efficiently supported atrify customers in data collection and exchange. On top of that, the team launched a large-scale mailing campaign with a special feature: Each email featured a newly developed solution along with an atrify expert who would be the customer’s personal contact for any important request in the future. In this way, atrify showed that they put their words into practice and are working hard on optimizing their client services. This also includes interaction between trade partners, for which atrify set up new communication channels and a feedback management system between retailers and suppliers.

Measurable Success

From 2018 to 2021, the NPS increased by more than 50 points as a result of atrify’s new focus.

Recipe for success in the healthcare sector

What customer-oriented management can mean for an entire industry is demonstrated by atrify’s healthcare platform. It was built from A to Z based on the needs of the manufacturers. Find out how exactly here and what advantages the platform brings .

Kunden sind ein wertvolles Gut. Zufriedene Kunden aber sind die Voraussetzung für langfristigen Erfolg. Natürlich war das bei atrify in den vergangenen Jahren ein zentrales Thema. Doch dass hier noch mehr ging, zeigten Umfragen und Ergebnisse des Net Promoter Scores deutlich. Darum krempelte das Team in den vergangenen drei Jahren seine gesamte strategische Ausrichtung um. Mit Erfolg, so dass heute nur noch einer im Mittelpunkt steht: der zufriedene Kunde.

Zukunft im Blick, Kundenorientierung im Fokus

Es war für atrify schnell klar, dass die Kundenorientierung das zentrale Element ist, worauf alles aufbauen muss. Um zu wissen, wie man den Kunden das Leben mit Product Content, GDSN & Co. so einfach wie möglich machen kann, trat das Kölner Team an allen Touchpoints mit den Kunden in Kontakt. Jedes Vertriebsmailing erhielt beispielsweise einen zusätzlichen Link zur Zufriedenheitsumfrage. Auch an Support-Antworten, Chat-Dialogen oder persönlichen Gesprächen schloss sich immer ein Feedback-Tool an. Auf diese Weise wurde jeder Touchpoint für atrify messbar und die Sammlung an qualitativem Feedback enorm. Einzelne Touchpoints wurden dann, entlang der Journey in einem Dashboard visualisiert, zugänglich für jeden Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen.

Die nächsten Steps: kundenorientierte Lösungen schaffen

atrify schuf fiktive Customer-Personas, identifizierte Zielgruppen und ihre persönlichen Bedürfnisse und analysierte Customer Journeys. Dadurch erhielten die Kölner ein klares Bild über die Kundengruppen mit all ihren individuellen Produkt- und Serviceanforderungen. Auf dieser Basis entwickelten die Fachbereiche dann neue, facettenreiche Lösungen, Tools und Apps, die atrify Kunden effizient b

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