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A spirometer is a medical device that measures the amount of air inhaled or exhaled (called tidal volume), the air flow rate and its changes over time. It is used in spirometry to check lung function or vital capacity. Spirometry is the most common test in pulmonology. Spirometry is a basic test and part of diagnosing lung function. Under the guidance, the tester breathed through his mouth into the cigarette holder of the spirometer. The nose is closed with a nose clip. In addition to the sedation breathing, the maximum exhalation and inhalation as well as the forced breathing are recorded during the measurement. Modern spirometry devices have a computer-aided user interface and enable the test results to be compared with the reference group immediately after the measurement.
Spirometry can differentiate between obstructive and restrictive lung diseases. For example, a decrease in volume of one second indicates obstructive pulmonary disease (such as bronchial asthma). Conversely, a reduced vital capacity means a restrictive lung disease (such as pulmonary fibrosis). When spirometry is performed before and after a bronchodilator such as albuterol is administered, it is called a bronchospasm test. With this test it is possible to differentiate between reversible and irreversible airway stenosis and to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. This test is especially useful for people with asthma and COPD, for example.
The so-called spirometer (connected to the mouthpiece) can now record the breathing force and the tidal volume and display the breathing results in the form of a diagram. In order for the results to be meaningful, it is particularly important for the patient to follow the doctor's instructions. It is completely correct and works well. Doctors can use the graph of breathing to draw conclusions about lung function. Because different diseases cause specific changes in the shape of the respiratory curve. For example, diseases with narrowed airways show a weakening (lengthening) and a reduction in the effects of exhalation. Based on the results of the spirometry, the doctor can initiate further tests.