DRK Kreisverband Tuttlingen e.V. company portrait
We at the Red Cross are part of a global community of people in the international Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement that provide indiscriminate help to victims of conflict and disasters, as well as other people in need, based solely on their need. In the name of humanity, we stand for life, health, well-being, protection, peaceful coexistence and the dignity of all people.
The Tuttlingen district association includes:
127 employees in the ambulance service, patient transport. Mobile social service and administration
3 lifeguards
1 integrated control center
Over 22,500 rescue and ambulance operations per year and 5,900 supporting members
Red Cross course: The original from the Red Cross
Help right at the crucial moment!
According to the trade association, 10 percent of a company's employees must be trained as first aiders. This means that they have to complete a basic first aid course with 9 teaching units, this must be repeated every 2 years.
Nobody can calculate in advance when and where an emergency will occur. It is therefore essential that you acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to act as a first aid at any time. Targeted measures during the first few minutes after an emergency can often make the difference between life and death. It is also important to bridge the time until the emergency services arrive.
In our Red Cross courses you will learn, in addition to the life-saving emergency measures, other measures for injuries, sudden illnesses and poisoning, the cause of which may lie not only in road traffic, but also in the household and in leisure time.
We are happy to come to your company and design an individual Red Cross course for you.