About a third of the FAULHABER workforce is happy to take advantage of the vaccinations offered by the company doctor. On June 22, 2021, the first employees can be vaccinated against Corona directly in the company. This is another important component in combating the pandemic and protecting employees.

Around 200 employees at the Schönaich site had expressed an interest in vaccination directly at the company when they were first asked about it. This will now be implemented on a total of four to six dates. "FAULHABER is happy to provide the framework for this," explains Andreas Melzer from the company's pandemic team. In addition to coordinating appointments, these include providing suitable premises so that the company doctor has the necessary conditions for the vaccinations.

In cooperation with the Alamannen pharmacy from Holzgerlingen, a faster and smooth process should be guaranteed. At the first appointment on June 22, 66 FAULHABER employees can initially receive their initial vaccination. "We are pleased that our workforce is taking up the offer so actively and that we as a company can make a further contribution to putting the pandemic behind us," says Melzer.

Protecting employees has been a top priority for FAULHABER since the beginning of the pandemic. The protective measures include the implementation of distance and hygiene measures, the permanent provision of surgical and FFP2 masks, the establishment of control stations for temperature measurement at the staff entrances, a free test offer and the consistent use of home office in the areas where it is possible is.

With its products, the company also plays an important role in fighting the pandemic itself: FAULHABER is a system-relevant supplier of drive systems as key components for medical devices from medical and laboratory technology, such as ventilators, infrared cameras for fever control and automated sample analysis or laboratory systems.

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