Manufacturer & Sales Supplier Service Provider

ADMEDES GmbHEmployer profile of


Working at ADMEDES

Investing in people means investing in our future. The future is an important keyword in our market. But people are just as important to us. Not only our products alone, our employees also make ADMEDES.

We're passionate about it and that's not just a saying, it's a fact. Because as a manufacturer of medical products, such as stents and heart valve frames, we are always concerned with human life. Our dynamic market is full of innovations that need to be further developed, researched and tried out. Here, too, we are passionate and happy about it. We would like to pass on this enthusiasm for our work and our products.

Start your career at ADMEDES!

Become a member of the “World Center for Medical Technology“

Become a digital exhibitor yourself in the online portal of the largest and best-known MedTech cluster region in Germany and inform the world of medical technology about your products and services as well as about news, events and career opportunities.

With an attractive online profile, we will help you to present yourself professionally on our portal as well as on Google and on social media.

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