In the special ambience of the Bayerischer Hof in Munich, Dr. On the one hand, Michael Berthold gave the participants an overview of the possibilities and indications of autologous augmentation, and on the other hand he pointed out the small and fine details that are crucial for successful treatment.
The aim of the workshop was for the participants to then be able to apply the techniques they had learned in their practice. dr During his lectures, Berthold showed many clinical images and videos in order to present the augmentation techniques transparently. Since he included the participants with questions even during the theoretical part, this part was anything but boring and there was a lively exchange. For the planned surgery on the patient, Dr. Berthold moved the location to his practice opposite, the participants were able to experience the augmentation live using the established shell technology via dedicated line. The operation was commented on by Dr. Manfred Hoffmann, Dr. Berthold's predecessor in the renowned Munich practice.
In the subsequent hands-on exercises, the participants were able to practice the peel and carrot technique themselves on dry pine trees, which were certainly a more pleasant alternative to pig pine in the afternoon heat. The speaker supported the participants extensively and gave direct tips for handling. The stoma® instruments and the stoma® micro-screws were provided as usual, and partner Camlog also supported the workshop with materials
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