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Cotton Pliers / Tweezers for Dental Instruments...
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Tweezers Dental
Surgical tweezers are essential dental instruments, which grip soft tissue and stabilize it during suturing or other surgical procedures. One such procedure is dental extraction, which involves the removal of a tooth from the alveolar bone. Lorien provides a full range of dental instruments, including surgical implants and unmarked versions. Here are some of the common uses for surgical tweezers. These tools are commonly used in dentistry.
Tweezers come in two basic varieties - with and without scissors action. Both types are made of steel with a U-shaped bend. The scissors-action version is the most common, as it features a single blade with a sharp edge and two legs. Both have rolled-leg and U-shaped tips, and are made of metal with a steel handle and two legs. In addition, surgical dental tweezers are more durable than their nonsurgical counterparts.
The tweezers of the prior art are often difficult to use, due to their acute angle. Their long legs are also weak and have a welding point at the rear end. In addition, they may accumulate dirt on the tips. A preferred version of the inventive tweezers can roll and bend in a single motion and eliminate the welding point. This is a distinct improvement over the prior art.
Another feature of the newest tweezers is that they do not require any sharpening. These instruments are made of surgical grade German stainless steel. The sharp edges are a significant advantage in dentistry. In addition, they can prevent tooth loss. In other words, the surgical dental tweezers can help dentists perform complex procedures. Aside from their precision, surgical dental tweezers offer a comfortable working environment.
Surgical dental tweezers are used to treat patients with toothaches and other conditions. The tweezers are a necessary tool for dentists and dental assistants. The tweezers are made from surgical grade German stainless steel. Hence, they are very strong. These instruments can also help in removing gum tissue, as they are designed to work with a wide range of materials.
Tweezers made from surgical grade steel are useful for dental procedures. The tweezers of the claim 14 are characterized by a kink extending inwards and rearwards. The blades of each distal end (1611 or 1621) slide together once the legs are compressed. These tweezers have multiple advantages. They provide excellent precision in the extraction of tooth-grown teeth.