Pulsating electromagnetic fields for the relief of osteoarthritis pain and sensory neurotoxicities.
Pain-alleviating and movement-promoting effect for osteoarthritis
MAGCELL® ARTHRO significantly improves general symptoms (WOMAC total score) and individual scores for pain, stiffness and daily activity in osteoarthritis (ARC criteria II and III). The therapy can be applied several times daily as a complementary treatment without side effects and may thus help to reduce intake of pain medication.
Through a patent-registered, innovative procedure, MAGCELL® ARTHRO is able to create exceptionally strong pulsating magnetic fields of up to 100 mT (1000 gauss) with selective frequency ranges despite its small size. Time-variable magnetic fields can function as transfer media for electric fields. Providing that – like MAGCELL® ARTHRO – the field force is sufficiently high, electro-magnetic fields can be induced in the tissue beyond the internationally recognised threshold for biological effectiveness. Through the possibility of direct application and the resulting close distance of the magnetic field to the application area, MAGCELL® ARTHRO also ensures minimum loss of magnetic field strength, transporting it deep into the tissue layers (electrode-free electrotherapy). Its battery operation and thus constant readiness enables the execution of a therapy programme through repeated short treatments in contrast to treatments previously only offered in doctor’s surgeries.
MAGCELL® ARTHRO is ideal for painful hip, knee and jaw joint arthritis, Hallux rigidus and valgus and a range of other arthritic conditions. Clinical studies on the complementary use of MAGCELL® ARTHRO for acute knee arthritis (1,2) have shown that amongst others, the following clinical effects can be achieved:
Significant relief from inflammation pain
Improvement in joint movement
Reduction of knee joint circumference
Significant reduction of WOMAC index
Magnetic field therapy is available in a range of types and appearances. Various forms of therapy do not have sufficient scientific proof of their effectiveness. The MAGCELL® ARTHRO medical product cannot be compared with ‘pulsating signal therapy (PST)’, ‘MultiBioSignal Therapy (MBST)’, ‘Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy’, ‘TENS' or other transmission forms such as magnetic field mats or coils.
MAGCELL® ARTHRO works with therapy parameters investigated in empirical and clinical research. There are no known side effects or intolerance associated with the use of MAGCELL® ARTHRO. Based on a large amount of patient feedback, regular therapy may enable reductions in the dosage of medication, such as non-steroidal anti-rheumatic agents.
1 Hitrov N, Portnov V (2008): MAGCELL® ARTHRO in der Behandlung von Arthrose im Kniegelenk. Die Naturheilkunde 3:25-27.
2 Wuschech H., von Hehn U., Mikus E., Funk R.H. (2015): Effects of PEMF on patients with osteoarthritis: Results of a prospective, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. Bioelectromagnetics 36(8), 576–585.
Blood flow stimulation and reduction of sensory neurotoxicities in cytostatic-induced polyneuropathy
MAGCELL® MICROCIRC can positively influence symptoms of neurotoxicities like sensory ataxia, neuropathy and neuropathic pain symptoms (especially CIPN I-IV) on hands and feet as a result of chemotherapy. Moreover a significant increase in nerve conductivity speed (ulnar nerve) was achieved by the treatment.
MAGCELL® is a portable hand device for electrode-free electrotherapy. Magnetic alternating fields are produced over rotation by permanent magnets. A sinusoidal pulsating electromagnetic field (PEMF) is generated over the special magnet arrangement and device function principle. However, with a value of 0,105 tesla field strength it is many times higher than for commercially available magnetic field therapy devices with coils or mats, which generally operate with field strengths of maximum 100 gauss or 0.01 tesla. By contrast MAGCELL®-therapy units produce field strengths, which are generally stronger by factor 10 than these devices.
According to induction law induced time-variable magnetic fields induce electric fields. The physical effects of MAGCELL® derive from the electric fields produced in living cells and tissue based on induction law. Depending on tissue conductivity the field incites an electric current. Taking into account the specific conductivity for various body tissue and liquids, this electric current can be calculated. Its strength, or more precisely, current density (= current strength per area, A/m²) determines biological effectiveness.
All calculated current densities exceed 10 mA/m² and are thus within the range of effects internationally confirmed and classified as ‘good‘: above the ‘subtle biological effects‘ and within the range of ‘confirmed macro effects‘ (10-100 mA/m²). Induced current densities are much higher again in blood and body fluids. The term ‘electrode-free electrotherapy‘ for MAGCELL® derives from the distinctly strong induced current densities and exceeding of the threshold value of 10 mA/m²: both of which are not found on equipment using coils or mats.
Body fluids (e.g. joint fluid) play a key role in the relevant therapy indications for MAGCELL® devices. The cells in this fluid or adjacent tissue are exposed to the established current densities. MAGCELL® exceeds by far the recognised effective current densities so that treatment is effective even at a tissue depth of 3-5 cm. MAGCELL® also induces above-threshold current densities in the blood, which are crucial for clinical therapy effects, for instance in respect of blood flow stimulation and immunomodulatory processes. The same applies for interstitial liquids, which moreover are found in virtually all organs and tissue. In bones and fatty tissue with low conductivity current densities are well below the effectiveness threshold of 10 mA/m², so a therapeutic effect in this tissue can scarcely be envisaged.
The following effects of electrode-free electrotherapy with MAGCELL® are clinically recorded:
pain alleviation and movement stimulation e.g. in the case of osteoarthritis
substantial improvement in circulation
reduction of sensory neurotoxicities (polyneuropathy)
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