Review of the Coffee Forum 2022

The first coffee forum took place in our laboratory on November 23, 2022.

Exciting lectures on the subject of coffee from the entire Tentamus Group could be expected, as well as a tour of the laboratory and an open exchange between guests and speakers.

Dr. Lüllmann got the participants in the right mood for the stimulating day in his welcome speech and handed over to Prof. Dr. Hielscher, the managing director of the German Coffee Association, who enthusiastically agreed to attend the coffee forum and share interesting facts about coffee and the German coffee market.
After the opening by Prof. Dr. Hielscher followed Mr. Dübecke with his exciting lecture on the authenticity of coffee. He captivated his audience with reports on cases of adulteration, frequently affected products, types of adulteration and ways of analytically determining the authenticity of food.
Miss Dr. Greger then immersed the guests in the world of sensors. In her lecture on valuable aromas and off-flavours in coffee, she also had a few aromas from the sensory test kit ready, which she used to challenge the olfactory senses of those present.
With the next lecture on coffee-specific parameters in focus, Mr. Wiezorek prepared the guests for the forthcoming laboratory tour. Caffeine, ochratoxin A, acrylamide and furan were his main focuses.

During the laboratory tour, the participants had the opportunity to gain insights into the laboratory work and to ask the employees questions about the analysis.
After the informative laboratory tour, the first thing on the agenda was physical well-being. With food and drink, the relaxed atmosphere led to lively conversations about a wide variety of topics.

Freshly strengthened, Ms. Heidorn-Thoß continued with her informative presentation on the pitfalls of audits, where she dealt with audit topics such as requirements, mandatory information for auditors, deviations and KO criteria.
Finally, Mr. Sperling shared important aspects of MOSH/MOAH, PAHs, pesticides and glyphosate with the participants in his presentation on residue analysis in coffee. Insights into the analysis, origin of the contamination and finds in coffee were given.

We were very pleased with the positive response from our customers to the content and the course of the event, so that we are planning further events in 2023.

QSI is already looking forward to meeting up with interested parties from the coffee industry again!

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