BINDER training area at the top nationally

For the fourth time, the business magazine Capital, together with the talent platform and the personnel marketing experts from Territory Embrace, went in search of Germany's best trainers.

With a result of five out of five possible stars in the training category and five out of five possible stars in the dual study category, Binder GmbH is one of the award-winning companies.

The survey, in which a detailed catalog of more than 90 questions had to be answered, ran from the end of March to mid-June - when the entire German economy was in corona mode. Nevertheless, more than 660 companies took part in the Capital study, eleven percent more than in the previous year. The companies employ around four million employees and 138,000 trainees. These include DAX companies, large authorities, many medium-sized companies and craft businesses.

Of the exactly 666 participating companies, 495 achieved good or very good results in the area of training, which were named “Best Trainers” by Capital. Of these, 171 qualified with the top result of five stars, and another 324 companies received four stars. In the area of dual studies, 342 companies were awarded, 101 of them with five stars and 241 - with four stars.

The study offers a Germany-wide overview of the “best trainers in Germany” by region and occupational group. Companies that employ at least five trainees or three dual students could take part.

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