Tuttlingen – For him, medical technology is an industry “that will become even more important in the future than it is today”: We present the Tuttlingen district administrator Stefan Bär, one of the shareholders of MedicalMountains GmbH, in profile – combined with a book tip that just is about books.
The seven shareholders of MedicalMountains GmbH represent research institutes, the Chamber of Commerce and Crafts and the city and district of Tuttlingen. They reflect the strength of the competence network: close exchange with science, direct contact with companies, roots in the Tuttlingen medical technology cluster. With a short questionnaire, the shareholders give a personal insight into what drives them, what moves them, what inspires them.
Stefan Baer
District Administrator of the district of Tuttlingen
- I am a MedicalMountains shareholder because
the district of Tuttlingen helped initiate the founding of this company and supported it from the start. The medical technology sector is one of the most important leading industries in our district, so we are happy to support it. - I associate it with “medical technology”.
the world center in Tuttlingen. And an industry that will become even more important in the future than it already is today. - What I like most about my job is that
we can have a creative effect in almost all areas of life of our fellow citizens. Be it education, health care, public transport, culture and leisure, but also in social emergencies or in the event of human misfortune. - When I need rest and relaxation is my favorite place
in the nature. - I find the best way to balance the workload
different sports. The main thing is exercise and if possible in nature. - My current book recommendation is
Irene Vallejo “Papyros” – a journey through the creation of books. For anyone with a passion for reading. - The best advice for the future I have ever heard is:
Don't talk, do it!