Tuttlingen - Two “European Digital Innovation Hubs”, EDIH for short, are active in Baden-Württemberg, one of which involves MedicalMountains GmbH: When it comes to funding, the EU and the federal state are pulling together to support small and medium-sized companies in particular in areas such as AI and To support high-performance computing.
In the coming years, the European Union will establish innovation centers for digitalization that are regionally positioned and at the same time networked across Europe - the EDIHs. They particularly support small and medium-sized companies and public institutions in digitization. In the tender for the EDIHs, the European Commission decided that two of 17 nationwide consortia would come to Baden-Württemberg: the “EDIH Artificial Intelligence & CyberSecurity” (EDIH AICS) and the “EDIH Südwest”, in which MedicalMountains GmbH is involved .
The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics, Labor and Tourism and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Interior, Digitalization and Municipalities are jointly supporting the EDIH Artificial Intelligence & CyberSecurity with 774,984 euros until December 2025 and the EDIH Southwest with 775,000 euros until September 2025.
The EDIH Südwest covers, among other things, smart sensor systems with edge AI and the topic of resilience, especially for the areas of the automotive industry, health, production and public administration.
- Further information about EDIH Southwest can be found at this link.
- Further information on funding from the Baden-Württemberg state ministries can be found at this link.